Inspiration:  [in-spuh-rey-shuhn] -  the action or power of moving the intellect or emotions



    I receive quite a bit of e-mail from aspiring bodybuilders, fitness fanatics, and everyone in between.   I give my best to send a reply to each of you.  I have to say though, my favorite e-mails are those that say I have helped them in one way or another.  That is more of a reward to me than any trophy in any show.  Maybe it is a 'thanks' for a diet or training article they have seen of mine, or maybe just some words of motivation that has helped them out.  Either way, it is your feedback that I enjoy.

     Even though I haven't met most of you out there personally, I wanted to share a few of the great e-mails from individuals I still call my friends.   For those of you who have said that you are a fan of mine and that I have been an inspiration to you, I want to personally thank you.  The truth of the matter is........

YOU are the inspiration to me.     


Hello Will,
It's to my utmost gratitude that I take this particular opportunity to thank you very much for the advice in the MEN'S WORKOUT, FEB issue. I have really tried to keep up with your routine and it really works well on me. Since then I have out on 10 pounds and now weighing 176 pounds. Am 26 years old and same height as you. It's quite amazing that since February my physique has totally changed to be the best. Keep up with your Electrical Engineer career and all the rest.

Talk to you soon and all the best in life,
Moses Khabwari


Dear Mr. Duggan,
I just saw recent photos of you from the Nationals, sir, and had to write to express my appreciation for the tremendous growth and quality muscle you've sculpted since last we corresponded. Take good care, stay safe and well, train hard, and know what an inspiration you are to me, and countless others, in our training and creative lives.  What a hero you are, sir!  I know what an extraordinary career you're having, with your remarkable academic record, athletic qualities, superb intelligence and great generosity of spirit. You ARE the Total
Package, in my book!

Very truly yours, with admiration,
G. Briggle


Dear Will:

I'm sure you've already had WAY too many people e-mail you about your profile, but reading the article in

the February issue of Men's Workout was like a breath of fresh air. I should mention that I'm not speaking

just about your physique, although it certainly is amazing enough on its own to make you an impressive guy.

Surely, any competitions you've won or will win are truly deserved. However, the reason I was inspired

to e-mail you was what you do besides weight training.  Too often, people seem to focus too much on physical

attributes and not enough on mental ones - perhaps one of society's worst flaws.  You, however, have

expressed a desire to excel in all aspects of life (one of my personal goals, as well), and a good education

is one way to achieve that.  Bodybuilders are often viewed a "big, dumb jocks", but you're proving to be

the antithesis of that idea.  This is the reason I wanted to e-mail you - to thank you, in a sense, for

being a truly well-rounded person and for serving as a great inspiration to not only me, but perhaps to

many others.  I'm sure there aren't many engineers involved in bodybuilding.  :-)


Keep up the good work, and best of luck to you in all that you do.



Jason Romero



i could'nt sleep so i pick up this magizine mens workout and i just got to tell you you have the

ulitimate body and an excellent smile the pic of you in the bibb overalls very nice i read hear

that you go to college and also an electrical engineer i think thats kewl that you can do all that

and enjoy your life to the fullest well thats all i want to say ! thank you for your time    


friendly mikey



Rome, March 17

Dear Mr Duggan,

I really enjoyed your interview at the fitness magazine. I had the impression that not only you have a fit and
strong, nice and quite symmetrical physique - my congratulations! - but also a fit, strong, nice and very

good mind. I don't mean exactly you have "mens sana in corpore sano", because I don't think any human

being can dare to be that perfect - and a bore. I mean you seem to have what we all really must struggle

for in life: a balanced mind and a healthy body.    

I work now here in Rome, at the Brazilian Embassy to the Holy See (the Vatican State). Before coming

here I spent three and a half years in Tehran, Iran, and, before that, I had been for ten years

working at the Foreign Office in Brasilia, the Capital city of my country. I am a Brazilian diplomat.

Most Cordially,

Humberto Gomes
Embassy of Brazil to the Holy See



Great article and photos in the August issue. I always look for great pictures since I am trying

develop my photography skills. Keep up the your pursuits because you are example for many of us.


Hello my name is Loren Allison and I saw your article in the Men's Fitness magazine and it was very
motivating.  I hope to have a body like yours someday, hope it's soon.  Well I just wanna thank you for the
motivation through the article, it's going to be a big help.

-God Bless.

Dear Will:

My name is Michael.  I know that you probably receive a great many emails, but I just wanted to let you know how much I enjoyed the recent article about you in the February 2003 issue of Muscle & Fitness.
You have a fantastic physique, awesome really, and I found the article both enjoyable and informative.

I am 38, 6'1', 183, and have more of a lean build; try to put on a few pounds (would really like to bulk up a bit), but have trouble in that area.

Anyway, I just wanted to thank you, and I am sure that you will do well in all your future contests.



Hi Will,


I saw the article about you in Muscle and Fitness and I'm looking forward to trying your routine.

I think it's great how you workout not only your body but your mind.  Physical AND mental greatness

is a rarity. You look awesome and your physique is truly is an inspiration. 





Hello, Will,

I can imagine you might have received 100's of e-mails since your article appeared in Men's Workout.

If you don't have time to respond to my mail, it is perfectly understandable. If you do, then great!

I was surprised to see the quote in the black box on page 20... can I attribute it to you?   

If so, thanks... it is an excellent philosophy.  I was pleased to read the other statements in the

article... such as - excelling in all aspects of life... prioritizing responsibilities...discipline

and focus to succeed... addressing your body's strength as a whole... and working out for a sense of

well-being...again, excellent philosophy and attitude.

My name is Rocky Vance, and I live in New Orleans, LA.   I am 5'10," 155lbs.,  lean but well defined.  

My metabolism has always been through the ceiling, so eating (thankfully, I have a great appetite)

is absolutely necessary for me to keep from looking like "Twiggy."

I work as a volunteer with a group to assist HIV-positive men and women to help improve their lifestyles

by working out, eating well, etc. in addition to keeping up with their medical routines.   It's one-on-one

with a few individuals and otherwise, gathering health and nutrition information and making it available

through a task force. Keeping a healthy and positive mental attitude is often difficult to instill

in the lives of some who feel defeated, both physically and socially (that's what I like about you - a
positive mental attitude, but at the same time, you appear to be a warm and friendly person.  

Most bodybuilders don't seem interested.)

I don't do a lot of aerobic exercises (except for frequent bike riding) because of my already high metabolism.

I do follow your "clean protein" sources, and I eat a lot - three big meals and 2-3 snacks or small meals.  I
don't take any supplements (except for vitamins)... do you take supplements? I do drink a lot of water

(at least 64oz.per day), but I also drink too many diet cokes and coffee.  I also drink milk and juice

every day.  Do you have a list of "don'ts" as far as diet and exercise routines?  Do you try to keep up
with a calorie count?  

Any information you have time to share with me and my friends is most welcome... as well as your

(long-distance) friendship - that's also welcomed and desired.  Having "positive-mindset" individuals

as friends is important to me.  

Thanks for anything you can share (whenever you have time).

Your friend,
Rocky Vance



I recently emailed you about a midday fatigue that I was suffering because of 5 AM cardio and you emailed me back and told me to stick with it, that it would get better and that I would get used to it in a couple weeks.  Well, Will you were 100% right.  My day now starts at 5 AM and ends at 1030 or so.  You wouldn't believe how much better I feel.  I was recently checking out your website and I read your intro to personal training.  I agree with you 100% about those personal trainers.  I am a Health and Physical Education Major at Heidelberg College and I know that I am not going to be an out of shape gym teacher or a health professional.  Also when I graduate college I want to get my personal trainers license so that I can help people see their potential.    I am now doing cardio 6 days a week and lifting weights 4 days a week.  Will you be at the Arnold Classic?  Since I work at the local GNC I might be working at the GNC booth on Sunday at the Classic.  On Saturday I will be there to walk around and meet people.  Thanks again for the advice and keep working hard you are a great inspiration to all.

John Strawser


Dear Will,

WOW. You just knock me out, sir- what an incredible discipline and determination you apply to every

aspect of your Life, sir. You are a complete Inspiration to me, and I only wish we'd already had a

chance to meet at this point--I sure look forward to that exciting day! Your training regime is so

instructive and enlightening, as always, and on top of that, your current class load is astonishing!

What an amazing man you are, sir...I can think of no one who combines such potent and impressive

athletic achievement with your hungry intellectual pursuits. I feel like I can catch fire from you

already- and we haven't even been in the same room! You have my full supportive energies, admiration,

respect and encouragement toward fulfillment of all of your goals, Will- in the gym, in your modeling

career and in your professional pursuits as well. It's an honor to correspond with you, as always-and I'm

off to the gym with your physique in my mind's eye, to light the fire in my gut! With much gratitude and

great expectation for your promising future ahead~


Your avid fan and devoted friend,




Thank You all for your support.   I have previously said, all of you are my inspiration. 

Stay Strong and God Bless,



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