Hello and thank you for stopping by. 

Many people think that I live to be a bodybuilder.  Quite the contrary.  Bodybuilding has been a fantastic asset and utility that has taught me a tremendous amount of discipline, focus, goal setting, sacrifice, and perseverance.  These are the qualities that I've carried with me during every challenge I've faced in life....

My name is William (Will) Matthew Duggan.   For starters, I would like to say that this website is an ongoing project which I tend to personally and continuously develop, whenever I find the time, think of an idea, or learn something new and interesting which I would like to capture and share with those who visit.  It is a fairly elementary site considering the many graphically dynamic options that exist in today's technological era, however, I have always been a basic 'meat and potatoes' guy.  Fancy websites don't impress me at all....especially when someone else creates them for you.  In my opinion, it is the content of a website that is solely captivating and not the bells and whistles that tend to change on a daily basis. I hope you find something interesting in following pages, but if you are looking for cool graphics and crazy animations with music, you should probably stop reading.  Check back often as there will be many updates within the near future.  Conversely speaking, if I've somehow intrigued you in any way, shape, or form....keep reading.

As you will soon find out, I'm not your typical bodybuilder.  Bodybuilding is only one painted color on this very large canvas of my life.  

The following pages are a bit about what I have learned during my time.  My hope, is that each person will be able to take away something. It may just be a diet tip, or....maybe motivation to stay in school and finish that degree, or .....possibly just that nudge that can pick you up when times are tough in your life.  Maybe a few words can spark a curiosity in a new field or discipline (possibly engineering) which can lead to something much bigger in the future for yourself and society in general.   I hope to encourage you to compete in your first bodybuilding show, if that is your desired path.   Once again....If I can share something I've learned to help another individual, then....My trials and tribulations have not gone in vain. 

My main purpose in putting this site together is to motivate people.  To say that 'life is short' is very cliché.  I'd rather say that 'life is as long as you want it to be....do as much as you possibly can.'  I once read somewhere that you can't pick the day you were born.  Additionally, you typically shouldn't be able to pick the day you die.  Everything in between those dates however....is yours for the choosing.  Looking at memorials of when people leave this world, there are always the dates of when they were born and when they left.  (ie. 19XX - 20XX).   That 'dash' in between those two dates is what I'm talking about.  That is your life.  It's time to step up and not wait for tomorrow.  What is your dash?

Set your goals higher than everyone else and you will succeed.  Failure is not reaching your goals, but having no goals to reach.  Ultimately, I'd be happy just knowing that I may have helped provide that little bit of inspiration, enabling you to better yourself in some facet of your life.  It always makes me smile to receive emails sharing things that you have learned......or maybe it's that you've just plain and simply, enjoyed reading.

Wayne Gretzky said it best when he said, "You miss 100% of the shots you never take."   I love that quote.

My name is Will Duggan.....

Go Hard.


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